101 Things for Caregiver’s to be Thankful for this Holiday Season

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I was sitting and thinking about the quickly approaching winter holiday season and how little I have prepared (as always). It is easy to get overwhelmed and even stressed out about all the things to be done. It’s even easier to get depressed. As happy as the holiday season can be for many, it is a reminder of loss for some. Loss of loved ones, loss of relationships, loss of status, etc. For some, the holidays are a time of isolation and pain. But when you really think about it, despite all the losses, trials, and transitions of life, we still have so much to be thankful for. 

On New Year’s Eve, rather than write out resolutions, I like to write out my long list of gratitude for the year.  I try to write at least 2-3 things I’m grateful for daily, so I never forget just how blessed I am. However, at the end of the year, the long list is so satisfying. I know it sounds so cliche but it shows me that I am truly blessed and highly favored. In fact, I begin to feel a little spoiled when I think of how I’ve been showered with blessing all year long, despite the storms that may have come. 

I commonly hear people complain about how terrible their year has been and how they can’t wait for the new year to arrive. However, the reality is, there is no guarantee that the next year will be any better. Not be a Debbie Downer, but it very well may be worse than the last. So, making a list of things to be thankful for helps me slow down and appreciate and cherish what I have right in front of me today because I never know what tomorrow may bring.

I say all this to say, be thankful for what you have and what you had, because nothing in life is promised. When you stop focusing on what you have lost and what isn’t perfect, you can focus on the precious time you have and start cherishing the abundance of blessings right in front of you. 

So here is a list of 101 things for caregivers be thankful for, just to wet your whistle. This is just scratching the surface, I’m sure you can think of a thousand more blessing in great detail. 

101 Things to be Thankful for

Disclosure: Please keep in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. I link to these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours.

Gifts From God

1 The Bible. It’s full of rich instructions and encouragement. Check out this post.

2. A God who is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent

3. Jesus and the gift of salvation 

4. The Holy Spirit, that leads and comforts us

5. Angels that are assigned to us. 

6. The gift of forgiveness 

7. Brand new mercies daily

8. Grace

9. Breathing

10. Eyesight 

11. Hearing

12. The ability to taste and enjoy food

13. The gift of Perseverance

14. Safety 

15. Sleep

16. Waking up

17. Laughter

18. Health

19. Your mind

20. The physical ability to provide care for another human being. 

21. The mental ability to provide care for another human being. 

22. The emotional ability to provide care for another human being. 

23. Adaptability 

24. Hard times, to truly appreciate the good times. 

25. Options 

26. Naysayers. They have a wonderful way of motivating us.

27. Rest (when you get it)

28. The Energy that somehow comes out of nowhere that allows us to keep going. 

29. God’s promises 

30. A voice to advocate for your loved one. 

31. The ability to discern the needs of your loved one.

32. The Perfect Will of God


33. Your loved one. No matter what stage of caregiving you’re in, be thankful for your time left with him or her.

34. What abilities your loved ones have left, even if it’s just an occasional smile or opening his or her eyes. 

35. Family Relationships 

36. Friendships 

37. Pets

38. Church Family

39. Family fellowship and gatherings 

40. Children. They just make life sweeter.


41. Shelter. It may not be the home you’ve dreamed of, but it meets the need. 

42. Food. Often times, especially during the holiday season we have more than enough to go around. If for some reason, you don’t have enough food or money to buy more right now click here for a list of local food banks.

43. Water. Not everyone has access to water, but if you are reading this post, there’s a good chance that you do. Be thankful.

44. Clothing. Many of us have more options than necessary when it comes to clothing.

45. Shoes that keep us running. We need roller skates some days.

46. Electricity 

47. Heat. It’s getting cold outside. 

48. Fans and air conditioning for those hot days.

49. Transportation. A means to get back and forth to appointments.

50. Money. Not necessarily a lot, but enough. 

51. Trash pickup. Has anyone else’s trash grown exponentially?!


52. Physicians and health care providers. 

53. Support groups and forums

54. Respite care

55. Assist devices (canes, walkers, wheelchairs). For fall prevention tips click here.

56. Home health care 

57. Incontinence supplies (remember -NEVER run out). Click here for a list of must-haves 

58. Caregiver Resources

59. Volunteers to help out

60. The internet 

61. Access to healthcare 

God’s Creation

62. The rain that waters the earth.

63. The snow that forces us all to slow down.

64. The sunshine that revives us. 

65. Cloudy days that give us a chance to catch an afternoon nap

66. Nature that reminds us of just how big God is. 

Fruits of the SpiritPatience

67. Love 

68. Joy

69. Self-control

70. Goodness

71. Kindness

72. Gentleness

73. Faithfulness 

74. Peace

Stress Relief

75. Prayer. Isn’t it wonderful to have direct access to your Heavenly Father 

76. Long relaxing baths or showers

77. A good cry, because sometimes you just need a good release. 

78. The ability to praise and worship 

79. Words of encouragement. Do you ever hear a word of encouragement, just when you feel like giving up? Check out these 10 Powerful Caregiver Affirmations.

80. Hugs just when you need them the most.


81. Takeout, because sometimes you just have to take the night off. 

82. Amazon Prime (Who else is loving 1-day shipping now? I know I am).

83. Washer and dryer for ALL the laundry 

84. TV. We all need to veg out sometimes.

85. Good books to read or listen to. Audible allows you to listen to 2 new books and 2 Amazon originals monthly. That’s a book a week. That doesn’t count the endless free books. The only thing better than cheap is free. Dust off your library card. 

86. Dishwasher (I pray that you have one, even if it’s a moody teenager)

87. Grocery home delivery (Instacart saved my life when I postpartum).


88. Ice-cream

89. Coffee

90. Chocolate 

91. YouTube. What can’t you learn on YouTube? 

92. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime streaming. (Who else is guilty of having all three)

93. Pedicures (because you have to treat yourself sometimes)

94. Hobbies

95. Salons, because caregivers need to feel beautiful too. 

96. Massages

97. Gifts to give, no matter how small.

98. Social Media, sometimes it’s our only way of feeling connected. 

99. Holidays to celebrate

100. Caregiving Gracefully. Don’t you just love this place ;). 

101. Journaling (If you haven’t got your FREE copy of my 7-day Prayer journal, click here. It has 7- days of inspirational prayers and journal pages to renew your spirit).

I hope this motivates you to write your own list of gratitude this season. We all have so much to be grateful for.

Be blessed,


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