A Prayer of Praise

Do you ever sit down to pray and your mind keeps getting flooded with thoughts of your to-do-list, things you forgot to do, how you can’t believe what happened on the latest episode of This is Us, and whatever happened to Brittani with an “i” from the 3rd grade, who’s desk used to be across from you? Oh, nobody else? Just me?
Seriously, it’s insane how many random thoughts pop-up into my mind, when I’m trying to pray. I have to ask God to call in my wandering thoughts. When that doesn’t work and I’m still all over the place, I go to my Prayer of Praise. I wrote this prayer a couple of years ago, to redirect my attention to God and of His Glory, when the distractions of life overtake me.
See, when you remind yourself of just how wonderful and powerful God is, it’s hard to get distracted. You realize that your prayer time with God is better than any superstar concert, backstage passes, or meet and greet with your favorite celebrity. You have direct access to the King of Kings, the Great I Am! This is the same God that walked in the Garden with Adam and Eve, the God that told Noah to build the arc, the God that parted the Red Sea. Yet, in all His greatness, He has given us an all-access pass, we only need to use it.
His word tells us that He inhabitants our praise. So, if you want God to show up and you want to be a captive audience for Him, why not give Him some PRAISE!
A Prayer of Praise
Thank you, Lord, for being the God of the Universe. The Most High God, El-Elyon. The God that makes all things possible. The Mighty God, El Shaddai, that holds the whole world in your hands. The God that makes every heartbeat or not. The righteous judge, Jehovah Hashopet. The one true and Living God. The Triune God. The God of many promises. The Good Good Father, that is sovereign and just. The God that honors covenants. Thank you for being a patient God of many chances. Slow to anger. Long-suffering for the ones you have marked. Thank you for marking me. Thank you for your word, that circumcises the heart, Your living word. Your word that teaches and instructs. Your word that speaks. Thank you for the Blood of Jesus that covers a multitude of sins. Thank you for your word, full of wisdom, instruction, and promises. Your Word that is sharper than any 2 edged sword. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that leads, intercedes, counsels, and comforts. Thank you for the gift of salvation. Thank you for sending Christ to die on the cross for our sins. Thank you for skillfully and lovingly knitting me in my Mother’s womb. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for your love and kindness. Thank you for your Grace. Thank you for your Mercy. Thank you for being a very present help, a burden bearer, a heavy load sharer. My provider, Jehovah-Jirah. Thank you for your protection from dangers seen and unseen. Jehovah- Ma’ozi, my fortress. Thank you for being the God of Peace, Jehovah Shalom. Thank you for keeping me when my actions said that I didn’t want to be kept. Holy, Holy, Holy, but you chose a wretch like me. Lord, I thank you. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
I pray that this prayer blesses you today and that you can incorporate this into your prayer life when you find your thoughts wandering.
If you know someone else that would benefit from this prayer, consider sharing it and don’t forget to pin it. If you have any prayer request, I would love to hear from you in the comments or you can email me at stephanie@caregivinggracefully.com.
If you’re looking for more prayers, check out my FREE 7-day Caregiver Prayer Journal, filled with 7 days of inspirational prayers and journal pages to connect with God. You may also enjoy this post on A Caregiver’s Prayer.
Be Blessed,

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[…] A Prayer of Praise […]
[…] Praise and Thanksgiving– Psalm 100:4-5 Enter His gate with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever. The bible tells us that He inhabits the praises of his people (Psalm 22:3). If you want to feel the presence of God, begin to praise Him and see what happens. Check out my Prayer of Praise. […]
[…] prayers, don’t forget to pin this post. For more prayer check out A Caregiver’s Prayer and A Prayer of Praise and don’t forget to get your FREE copy of my 7-Day Caregiver Prayer Journal, full of […]
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