5 prayers for Marriages of Caregivers

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Being a caregiver can be all-consuming sometimes. So, it’s no wonder that many of our relationships and commitments tend to take a backseat to our caregiving efforts. Unfortunately, sometimes our marriages take the biggest hit of all. However, part of caregiving gracefully is remembering to take care of ourselves and the other relationships in our lives. 

Marriage is a unique relationship, especially crafted by God, to mirror the relationship between Christ and His Bride, the Church (Ephesians 5). Have you ever thought about how mindblowing that is? A relationship that important should not be taken lightly, no matter what type of curveballs life is throwing us. 

That being said, your current circumstances may not make it easy to nourish your marriage. If you are being honest with yourself, you’re probably not at 100% right now and that okay. 

“A strong marriage rarely has two strong people at the same time. It is a husband and wife who take turns being strong for each other in the moments when the other feels weak.”

Ashley Willis

I love this quote because in between the words, it is full of GRACE and MERCY, 2 of the greatest gifts created by God. I also love it because it helps expose the Character of Christ within us. Jesus does the very same thing for us. When we are weak, He shows Himself to be STRONG and MIGHTY in our lives. What an awesome example we have in Christ!

When you have something so special, you have to fight to protect it. There will always be an enemy trying to steal that precious gift from you. Here are 5 short, but powerful prayers for your marriage.  

1 Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of marriage. Thank you for what my spouse and I share. You have kept us down through the years, through different seasons of life, and many storms. Lord, we ask that you encourage us in this season of our marriage. Remind us of the vows we made before you and the commitment we made to one another. Lord, thank you for the support I have in my mate. Thank you for giving him/her patience and understanding when I attend to the needs of my loved one. Bless him/her when I have to sacrifice time with him/her to make sure my loved one is okay. Also, make me mindful of how I sacrifice our time together. Remind me to sew into our marriage and nurture it. Help me show my spouse that our marriage is a priority. I ask these blessing in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.

2. Lord, thank you for my marriage. Remind us of the vows we took in sickness and in health, for better or for worse. Lord, this is one of the worst seasons of my life. I’m crying out to you as the 3rd member of my marriage, we need your help. I’m overwhelmed and I don’t know what else I have to give. Touch my spouse’s heart. Remind him/her to be patient with me. Cause him/her to show me compassion during this season. Lord, also reveal to me the things I can do to show my spouse that I still love and honor him/her, even when I’m mentally and physically exhausted. Use this season to strengthen us, not divide us. I trust and believe that you can bring us through this stronger than before. These and other blessings I ask in Jesus’ name, amen.

3. Heavenly Father, thank you for joining us in Holy matrimony. When we took vows, we not only made them to each other, we also made them to you. Remind us daily, that you are the 3rd member of our marriage. I pray that we remember to consult you in all things. Cause a burning desire in us to seek a stronger relationship with you together. Now more than ever, we need you. We feel the stresses of life trying to divide us, but we know that your word says, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭4:12‬ . We desire to be that 3 stranded cord. Intertwined yourself in every aspect of our lives. Partner with us as we seek you earnestly. In your precious son, Jesus’ name, amen. 

4. Father God, thank you for the gift of restoration. Lord, we know that you can restore all things. Nothing is too big or too small. I’m asking that you restore the physical and emotional intimacy in my marriage. You created marital intimacy and we know that all things created by you are good. I pray that we begin to enjoy our good gift again. Cause us to be emotionally vulnerable with one another again. Mend our friendship. Remind us of our oneness. Lord, I’m asking that you restore my desire for my spouse and complete the same work in him/her. Help us to respond amorously to the touch of one another and tenderly to the words. I thank you right now, in advance, for breathing life back into this area of our marriage. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen. 

5. Abba Father, thank you for my spouse, my life partner, my best friend. I know I’m not sewing into my marriage as I should. I’m so busy and exhausted during this season of caregiving, but remind me of the Godly order you set in place so that I can make my marriage the priority that is it again. My marriage is my first ministry. Reveal ways that I can show respect, love, and honor to my spouse. Remind me to include my spouse in decision-making. You gave me a life partner for a reason. Remind me to ask for help when I need it. My spouse cannot read my mind, but I have every reason to believe that he/she wants to help me. Help me pull my marriage from the back burner and put it back front and center where it belongs. I am trusting that in making my marriage a priority, that you will bless us to be on one accord so that my hopes and desires in caring for my loved one will also be his/hers. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen. 

I sincerely hope that these prayers bless your marriage. If you have any specific prayer requests for me, leave them in the comments or email me at stephanie@caregivinggracefully.com. I would love to partner with you in prayer. 

To keep up with these prayers, don’t forget to pin this post. For more prayers check out A Caregiver’s Prayer and A Prayer of Praise and don’t forget to get your FREE copy of my 7-Day Caregiver Prayer Journal, full of inspirational prayers. 

Be Blessed,

Stephanie Turnage

Sharing is caring!

3 replies
  1. Melanie
    Melanie says:

    Such a wonderful reminder. Sometimes we can set our marriages on auto-pilot. These prayers are right on time as we seek to share the love of Christ in this holiday season!

    • Stephanie Turnage
      Stephanie Turnage says:

      Yes, auto-pilot is the perfect description. I have to remind myself to be intentional. Thanks, Melanie

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