A Caregiver’s Prayer

As a healthcare provider, I have a soft place in my heart for caregivers. As a Christian, my spirit cries out for them. The thing about caregiving is that no one can truly relate to you unless they’ve experienced it themselves, and even then everyone’s journey is different.
People from the outside looking in are oftentimes full of advice, well wishes, and even judgments. They have opinions about everything, but actually, help with very little. They say, “I’m praying for you all the time,” but some days, to be honest, that just falls flat.
At times being a caregiver is like getting on a roller coaster blindfolded. You have no idea when the next big drop is coming, you’re always bracing yourself for the next big loop you’ll be thrown for. You are caught between wanting this feeling to stop and being sad because you know this ride ends with you losing one of the dearest people you’ve ever known.
In some ways, caregiving for an aging loved one is akin to raising children, when you’re in the thick of it, the days seem so long, but then you look back and realize the years, months, or sometimes just weeks are oh so short.
My hope is to encourage you and strengthen you through prayer on your journey of caregiving gracefully. My heart’s desire is for you to fully enjoy this season of life for however long it may be, because just like any ride, no matter how thrilling, scary, fun, or beautiful, one day it will come to an end. Cherish the day.
A Caregiver’s Prayer
Heavenly Father, Most High God, I rejoice in You. My heart is filled with thanksgiving. You have entrusted and equipped me for an awesome work as a caregiver. You knew before I was knitted in my mother’s womb that I would be given this assignment, this good work. Thank you for entrusting me with this great task. I consider it an honor that you have hand-selected me. Thank you for the time you have given me to enjoy _______. I’m grateful for the times we share, no matter how challenging they can be at times. I praise you for giving me the perfect example in your son, Jesus Christ. Help me as I strive to emulate His character.
Lord, while I come with a heart full of thanksgiving and praise, I also come before you humbly with a repentant heart. Forgive me for all the times I have grumbled and complained out of frustration, fear, and fatigue. Forgive me for any resentment I harbor against those who look and judge and offer opinions but do offer to help. Quiet my mouth and spirit when I want to respond in an ungodly manner. Give me a spirit to forgive freely. Remove any bitterness I have regarding my current situation. Take away my “why me spirit.” I know you are no respecter of persons. You are sovereign and Your Will is perfect. I also know that all things work together for the good of those who love you. So, today I turn away for my selfish ways and negative spirit. I crucify my flesh and I choose you.
Lord, quiet my spirit before you. Help me call in my wandering thoughts and be still in your presence so that I can hear you more clearly, in my ears and my heart. Tear down the walls I have built around myself. Make my heart tender again. I yield to your Will and your way. I surrender to your Lordship. Align my will with your will.
Lord, you told me that if I come to you with my prayers and petitions, that you would give peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). I come seeking that peace. Nudge me daily, reminding me to acknowledge you. Show me your presence even in the small things. Help me crave time spent with you. Refresh and renew me in those quiet moments spent with you. Lord, I pray for strength to endure this journey. Help me rise every day, energized and ready to take on the challenges that come. Give me mental clarity to think critically when necessary, help me be creative when new challenges arise, and give me a compassionate heart to love ______ unconditionally. Show me the blessings in every situation. Some days are harder than others, but what remains constant is my dependence on you. When I am weak, your strength is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12: 9). Only you can cause me to run, but not grow weary, walk but not faint (Isaiah 40:31). Only you can keep me from stumbling (Jude 24).
When I am afraid, remind me that you did not give me the spirit of fear, but rather power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). When I am tired, give me sweet rest. When I am lonely, be my friend. When I cannot find the words, Holy Spirit please intercede for me (Romans 8:26-27). Renew me day by day, showering me with new mercies. Give me the patience I need when caring for _____. Remind me of the patience you have with me and the loving-kindness you show me continuously. I’m asking for a double portion of the fruits of the spirit when caring for ______, love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Lord, I ask these blessings in the name of your precious son, Jesus. Amen.
Thank you for allowing me to pray into your life today. If this prayer blessed you, please consider sharing it with others and leave me a comment below. Comment or email me at stephanie@caregivinggracefully.com any prayer request. I would love to hear from you.
Click here for your FREE printable copy of this prayer and don’t forget to pin this post to keep it at your fingertips.
If you have not gotten your copy of my FREE digital 7-day Caregiver Prayer Journal, click here. It is filled with daily prayers and journal pages, designed to revitalize your connection with God through prayer.
Be blessed,

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[…] you still need help getting started, check out my Caregiver’s Prayer. You’ll be surprised at how just a few minutes a day in prayer can increase your intimacy with […]
[…] keep up with these prayers, don’t forget to pin this post. For more prayer check out A Caregiver’s Prayer and A Prayer of Praise and don’t forget to get your FREE copy of my 7-Day Caregiver Prayer […]
[…] If you’re looking for more prayers, check out my FREE 7-day Caregiver Prayer Journal, filled with 7 days of inspirational prayers and journal pages to connect with God. You may also enjoy this post on A Caregiver’s Prayer. […]
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