A Prayer for Those Grieving

Sharing is caring!

I was just sitting back thinking and praying, and I’ll admit, my heart has been a little heavy lately. I have mentioned before that my entire career in health care has been spent in oncology, hospice, and geriatric care. So, I’m no stranger to losing patients. 

I remember when I worked full-time as a hospice nurse case manager, the looks on peoples’ faces when I told them what I did for my career. Their eyes would immediately reflect sorrow and they seemed to feel the need to comfort me. They would say things like, “Oh, how depressing that must be,” or “ I could NEVER do something so sad every day.”

However, I would always reassure them. Working in hospice was by far the most rewarding job (outside of my home) that I had ever had. Patients and families would invite me in during this deeply intimate and intensely vulnerable time of their lives. They trusted me to help them with this difficult transition and I took great pride in that. 

That’s not to say that it wasn’t emotionally draining at times and that it wasn’t difficult losing patients and families I had grown so close to. People always think of hospice as a quick season, but I had some patients for 2-3 years or longer.  But overall, I found my job to be extremely fulfilling and joyful in many ways.

However, something always seemed to shift around this time of year and it seemed like I got the saddest cases ever. The young single mom, dying just weeks after Thanksgiving, leaving her 2 children with special needs orphaned. Or the 30-something wife and mother of 3, full of cancer, who cardiac arrested at the table during the Christmas feast. 

The winter holiday season seemed to be the only time I questioned my line of work back in those days. January was always a time of self-reflection and renewal for me. 

I just realized the other day that I haven’t felt those feelings in years. However, recently a lot of people I know personally have lost close loved ones, particularly their mothers, that they have cared for and looked after for years. I honestly don’t think I have gone a full 7 days within the last 2 months without hearing about someone losing a parent, child, or a spouse. 

Some have passed away more suddenly than others, but no matter the circumstances, their lives have been irreversibly changed, all the same. So, the grief around me feels almost palpable right now.  So thick you could cut it with a knife. I feel myself being flooded with those old feelings I formerly had when working in hospice during this time of year.

So, what do you do when your heart is heavy and you are in need of relief?

You take your petitions to the Father’s feet. 

This prayer is for all of those experiencing new loss during this season. 

A Prayer for the Those Grieving

Abba Father, I come to you with a humble heart and a bowed head, more thankful than ever that you sacrificed your son, Jesus, for my sins. Now, I know the deep pain of loss and I’m even more grateful to you for your sacrifice. I’m crying out to you right now because I don’t know the words to say. Holy Spirit, please interpret my tears to the Father, my sobs and weeping. Comfort me during my time of mourning. Your word says blessed are those who mourn. I need your blessings heaped on me right now because I am mourning deeply over the loss of my loved one. My heart is heavier than it has ever been. Only you can truly comfort me and restore me. Cause me to seek your face more intentionally. Lead me to the scriptures that show me your loving-kindness, causing me to meditate on your word and think about whatever is kind and good. Minister to my soul when I don’t feel like getting up in the morning. Remind me that there is still breath in my body, so you still have work for me to do. Shower me with brand new mercies morning by morning. Push me to press on. Allow me to be a support to someone else who is experiencing loss. Keep me near the Body of Christ. Please show me the Character of Christ through the body. Dry my tears, when they seem to flow out of nowhere. Send me words of comfort or peace just at the moments when I need them most. Cause me to laugh again. Restore my joy, my peace, my happiness. Lord, I sincerely ask these blessings in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

I pray this prayer blesses you during your time of mourning. If you have any prayer requests, let me know in the comments or email me stephanie@caregivinggracefully.com

If you know of someone else who would benefit from this prayer, please share. 

Don’t forget to get your copy of my 7-Day Caregiver Prayer Journal, full of inspirational prayers. 

Be Blessed,


For more prayers, check out:

A Caregiver’s Prayer

A Prayer of Praise

5 Prayers for A Caregiver’s Marriage 

Sharing is caring!

8 replies
  1. Audra J Cleveland
    Audra J Cleveland says:

    You have put to words all that I could not say and to be honest, I don’t want to say. I don’t want to come to Church or help anyone else right now but because I know God and His way of healing my sorrow (through helping others), I know this prayer is what needed most. Thank you for responding to God’s call for you. I love you dearly.

    • Stephanie Turnage
      Stephanie Turnage says:

      Wow. Thank you for sharing your heart. I needed to hear that and I know other people need to hear it also. Love you sis.

  2. Bernice Herbert
    Bernice Herbert says:

    Stephanie this is wonderful and so needed. Thanks for pouring out of your heart and into that of others.

  3. Myrrah
    Myrrah says:

    Stephanie! Look at this! Look at you! Look at what God is calling you to do! Continue to be a blessing to folks. Love you!

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